Here is a comparison of prices between different companies and products. SiteRecast pricing system is different from others.
Our pricing policy is very different from other developers. Our prices are very low compared to any other developer in the market.
Apple App Store charges a $99 annual developer fee
Google Play charges a one-time fee of $25. (Yeah, we know we wish it were free, too)
Our pricing policy is quite different: 50% of the total amount to be paid at the delivery of the app and the remaining 50% can be paid after the app is successfully published in Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
Once you complete the free update period you can avail the same by paying additional $499/year.
If a second instalment is not paid then your contact will be blacklisted, further updates and push notifications will be blocked completely.
Now you can shop Mobile Applications as you shop online and get your quality product within next 3 days. You can download the Application with all the required materials from the My Accounts page.