Marketing Tool!

Mobile App is a great marketing tool!

Mobile App is not just software installed on a smartphone. It’s a great marketing tool for businesses. Many think of the mobile app as a money waster. But very few know the importance of mobile apps after the pandemic.

Did you know?

Looking into the facts, it’s the best time to get a mobile application for your businesses.

4.2 Hours per Day

People in the US spend 4.2 Hours Every Day on Mobile Apps.

This data shows that consumers spend most of their time on mobile apps. 

24M Population

Between 2020 – 2030 more than 24Million Americans will join the “Consumer Class” – A group of people who spend more than $11 per day.

270M Smart Phone Users

There are over 270Million smart phone users in USA in 2020. 

You know where to find your consumers. 

$792 Billion of E-Commerce sale

According to US Census Bureau E-Commerce sales in the US amounted to $792 Billion in 2020, which is 14% of total retail sales

Source : Statista

How do Mobile Apps help your business grow?

Mobile Apps are a great marketing tool for your business. Mobile Apps not just help you increase conversions but also help you in a lot of other ways. Here are some of the ways mobile apps help you increase revenue.

YELP Review

Mobile Apps help you improve your YELP score. According to Harward Business School, if you can increase your YELP score by even a single star, your revenue will increase from 5-9%.

Organic Search Ranking

Organic search matters a lot in digital marketing. If you can rank on the first page, then your chances of selling a product increases. Mobile Apps help you increase your organic search ranking.

Social Media Followers

Featured Mobile App helps you increase social media followers. Mobile App is the best marketing tool to promote your social media profiles. Best way to promote products via social media.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Collecting emails from shoppers is becoming very difficult. Collecting emails via mobile apps is much easier. Giving a special discount coupon in exchange for an email works like magic.

Increases Repurchase

Shoppers repurchase the products from the companies they trust. Mobile Apps build trust among the shoppers. Shoppers have a lot of options once they trust a brand, then repurchase becomes common.

Increase Customer Loyalty

Reward your shoppers with offers or discounts for their loyalty. Research shows 76% of women and 72% of men are likely to shop at a business that offers a loyalty program.

How do Mobile Apps increase user experience over the website?

Mobile Apps change the perspective of your company. It gives a different experience from the traditional website. Having just a website is like having a keypad phone in 2021.

fast loading

Fast Response

Mobile Application are very responsive compared to website.

Personalised Experience

Personalised experience for customers, lets them spend more time on app.

features overview

Utilise Device Features

Mobile Application utilise device features, so customers stay on your platform.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are a great way to increase user engagement.

Mobile Marketing

Use mobile application as marketing tool. This is the most effective and lowest marketing platform.

business deal

Increase Conversions

Conversion rates are more on mobile application than on websites.

What makes our product different?

Our design team has pushed their effort to make the app simple to use and hassle-free. 


Fastest Delivery

We deliver the application within 3 days from the date of order. The Apps are tested on real devices before it is delivered.

Fully Customisable

The Mobile Application is fully customizable with tons of new features. The app can be further customized based on user preferences.

Hassle Free

Changes made to the website will immediately reflect in the app. Adding products to different platforms is not necessary.

Maintenance Free

Apps are regularly updated with new features and optimised code to maintain their performance and increase user interaction.


Highly Secure

We have added the highest security possible for the app. All data is stored in the website's database so user data is protected.


Lowest Cost

Our charges are extremely low and reasonable. We are here to help businesses grow in the digital era.

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