
We provide a wide range of Services

Our services include building mobile applications for Android and iOS. Our team is constantly working to build Windows and Mac OS applications too. We will soon be building apps for Mac and Windows. 

How we help you?

Our young team of developers passionate about software development has made dreams come true for many small and medium businesses. When building a mobile application lots of factors has to be considered. There are a lot of problems currently faced by not developers and business owners. We are proud to say that we have solved many of them. 


While researching showed that a lot of apps on the Play Store and App Store were poorly designed. As these apps were not regularly updated and were poorly optimized for the current Operating System.

  1. We build the apps and regularly update them with new features.
  2. This increases user engagement.
  3. All apps are very well optimized and have been tested on various real devices.
  4. We have used native code platforms for their build.
  • Android Studio to build Android Applications
  • Xcode to build IOS Applications.​

Fastest Delivery

The time taken to build the app is very high. The App building usually takes around 2-3 months. The testing phase usually takes 1-2months. If the App gets rejected from PlayStore or AppStore, then rebuild takes around 1-2 months. During this period, if Google or Apple releases a newer version of their operating system. Then the previously built app is not optimized for the latest operating system. Thus the mobile app can never match the performance to the latest version, and a huge chunk of money is spent on it.

  1. SiteRecast has done all the processes for you.
  2. We build the App at lightning speed and deliver it in just 3 days.
  3. We regularly update the app and add new features.​

Lowest Cost

It cost around $20,000 of money to build a mobile application. Once the app is built, it should be regularly updated to maintain its performance. Updating costs around $3000-$5000. All this cost lot of money for the owners. SiteRecast is there to help you get the best performance apps, maintenance-free, packed in features, with a regular update at the lowest cost.

  1. SiteRecast builds your application at the lowest cost.
  2. Maintains it with a regular update at a very nominal fee.

Regular Maintenance

The maintenance of mobile applications is a major problem for many companies, just building the app is not sufficient. Fixing bugs, adding new features, sending notifications, regular updating, etc. all these should be made at a very high speed. So most companies prefer to have a software development team for maintaining the app.

  1. SiteRecast on the other hand makes businesses worry-free from these problems.
  2. We maintain your app with regular updates, free bug fixes, new features update, etc.

This way, your app’s performance is up to date with the latest operating system.

Support Team

One of the important steps is support. Most developers build the app and keep control over the app by publishing it from their company's account without giving complete access to the consumer. Whenever a customer wishes to make changes, he has to return to the same developer. If a freelancer develops the app, submission support is not given.

  1. SiteRecast gives complete support till the app is successfully submitted to App Store and Playstore.
  2. Customer will have complete control of the App.
  3. SiteRecast will even submit the app on your behalf.
  4. Detailed documentation on submitting the app to the App Store and Play Store will be given.

Publishing Images

While publishing the app to the App Store and Play Store, there are few screenshots required. Without these screenshots, one cannot publish the App to the App Store and Play Store. These screenshots come at a few dollars. Developers charge extra money for this.

 SiteRecast gives these screenshots for free.

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